Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things Hermione Has Ever Done

7. Trapped Rita Skeeter In A Glass Jar

Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

If you were to write down a list of the most irritating Harry Potter characters, Rita Skeeter would be pretty near the top – only Professor Umbridge is more unbearable.

She first appears in The Goblet of Fire and does her utmost to write hateful stories about a variety of people, including Harry and Hermione. As it turns out, Rita is actually an unregistered animagus who can transform into a beetle whenever she wants to. It’s a useful trick that allows her to buzz around and eavesdrop on private conversations.

Hermione, of course, figures out Rita’s secret and traps her inside a glass jar by using an Unbreakable Charm. Whilst this is a pretty fun way to end the fourth book, it’s also a rather barbaric thing to do. Being trapped inside a glass jar for days on end would be psychological torture. Sure, Rita is a nasty piece of work, but does she really deserve to be punished so severely?

If Hermione wanted revenge, she should have just reported Rita for being an unregistered animagus – that would have been the more mature thing to do.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.