Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things Snape Ever Did

The bravest man Harry Potter ever knew was also a pretty terrible person at times...

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

J.K. Rowling made many exceptional characters, but Severus Snape is the best of them all. The enigma of his true allegiance is one of the most gripping aspects of the series, and we don’t learn the truth until the closing act of Harry’s final adventure.

All along, Snape was actually working for Dumbledore. Devasted by the loss of Lily Potter – which he was partly responsible for – Snape swore to assist the Hogwarts headmaster and honour Lily’s sacrifice by protecting her son. This revelation is the final proof that Snape is more of a hero than a villain.

Yet there’s no denying Snape’s capacity for villainy. Though he’s certainly brave, he’s rarely kind or generous. He carries an aura of intimidation and relishes in the mistreatment of those he deems inferior. It’s hardly surprising that so many students hate him – only the Slytherins have got anything good to say about the dreaded Potions Master.

During his youth, Snape’s interest in the dark arts led him down a path that most other characters wouldn’t dare to tread. And whilst he certainly redeemed himself in later life, his work for the Dark Lord is almost unforgivable...

10. Favoured Slytherins

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

Compared to some of Snape’s other actions, this is rather tame, but his childish habit of favouring students in his own house is still pretty pathetic.

Though house points fall into irrelevance as the series goes on, for the younger students at Hogwarts, they’re a key part of their experience – they enjoy the communal effort of gaining points and representing their house.

Snape, of course, is fully aware of this fact. He abuses the power he wields and wastes no time punishing students for minor offences that most teachers would pass over. Some students suffer this nastiness more than others – Neville Longbottom is constantly bullied by Snape.

The Slytherins, meanwhile, are praised for the smallest of achievements and their mistakes are simply ignored by the Potions Master.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.