Harry Potter: 12 Wands That Perfectly Reflect Their Owners

5. Xenophilius Lovegood

Bellatrix Lestrange Wand
Warner Bros.

The wand of Xenophilius Lovegood returns to the earlier examples in this list in that it is quite simple. It looks as though it was carved from one piece of wood and lacks overt attempts to make it look intricate. However, it certainly carries some unusual features and reflects its owner's outlandish character.

In the books, a key feature of the scene in which Luna's father explains the Deathly Hallows to Harry, Ron and Hermione is the spiral-shaped Erumpent horn in the room. Mr Lovegood believes it comes from the legendary Crumple-Horned Snorkack, but Hermione questions him.

She, naturally, is correct: the horn comes from the Erumpent. In the climax of the scene, when Death Eaters come to call, it explodes (yes, it's the same explosive horn which later features in the fully-fledged Erumpent seen in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them).

This barely features in the film, though it is lovingly hinted at in two ways. One - the horn is in the background of the scene waiting for the eagle-eyed fan to spot. Two - it is reflected in the shape of Mr Lovegood's wand.

The wand's basic shape mirrors the spiral description of the horn, and it also features carved runes and symbols. Another wand barely seen but resonant with characterisation.

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Reader, cinema lover, gamer, TV watcher. Teacher too. Years of caring too much (is that possible?) about Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek, WWE, Stephen King books, Game of Thrones and gaming will influence my writing.