Harry Potter: 15 Most Powerful Wizards In The Wizarding World

5. Bellatrix Lestrange

Dumbledore Fire
Warner Bros.

It is said that Bellatrix Lestrange is as formidable a Dark Arts user as the near-legendary Antonin Dolohov, though really her skill and dangerousness surpassed even him.

She is a supreme mistress of dark magic, with a particular aptitude for the Cruciatus Curse and incredible skills as a duellist, having defeated several very highly skilled Aurors. She was the last Death Eater standing during the Battle Of Hogwarts - aside from Voldemort himself - having killed Nymphadora Tonks to add to Sirius Black's murder earlier in the series.

While she might have been somewhat annoying to Voldemort, he grew to respect her, which was the ultimate respect of her power level, given his usual refusal to acknolwedge human worth.

And as Dobby would find out, she was also particularly skilled at knife-throwing from great distance... Too soon?


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