Harry Potter: 15 Most Powerful Wizards In The Wizarding World
12. Remus Lupin
He may have been plagued somewhat by his encounter with Fenrir Greyback and the unfortunate side-effects of being an actual werewolf (which gives him something of a false power boost, actually), Remus Lupin was a considerable force as a wizard. He of course was one of the Marauders, marking him out as gifted enough to help conjure their eponymous Map and as one of the most talented prodigies of his year of Hogwarts.
As an adult, despite his physical limits, Lupin was also an extremely gifted duellist, holding his own in multiple battles during the series, including emerging unscathed from all but the one that killed him. Ultimately it takes someone as notorious as Antonin Dolohov to kill him, which says a lot about his skill as a wizard.