Harry Potter: 15 WORST Plot-Holes In Wizarding World Movies

2. Credence's Twist Makes NO Sense

Credence Phoenix

Right, so this is a more complex one, but it's worth sticking with. The twist in The Crimes Of Grindelwald establishes that the last surviving male of the Lestrange family was killed as a child in a ship disaster at sea. There's the first issue: that child WASN'T the last surviving Lestrange male because Bellatrix married Rodolphus Lestrange, who was both male, a Lestrange and alive.

That child was rumoured to be Credence Barebone, but it turns out that he was, in fact, Aurelius Dumbledore, a baby who was coincidentally also on the same ship journey in the carriage opposite, who was swapped with Corvus Lestrange when that unfortunate child's sister Leta couldn't take his crying any more.

So, that means that Albus, Ariana and Aberforth had another sibling, who was born around 1901 (the year of the ship disaster). Except that can't be true because Kendra Dumbledore died in 1899 and Percival had died in Azkaban sometime between 1890 and 1900. So who the hell were his parents? It could feasibly be that Percival had a second lover he impregnated, but since when did Azkaban allow conjugal visits?

And it's not like we can just say that the Aurelius twist is Grindelwald lying to manipulate Credence, because the phoenix issue confirms he's a Dumbledore. If he wasn't, the phoenix wouldn't appear to him. Something else has to be going on here, but that doesn't mean these plot-holes aren't still legitimate.


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