Harry Potter: 7 Times Harry Was A Complete Idiot

2. When He Neglected His Occlumency Lessons – The Order Of The Phoenix

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As well as having to withstand the sadistic methods of Umbridge, Harry also had to endure Occlumency lessons with Snape during his fifth year at Hogwarts.

His far-from-ideal relationship with the Potions Master makes things difficult from the off. The pair of them clash throughout and Harry makes no progress whatsoever. But given it was Dumbledore who suggested the lessons in the first place, he really should have listened to Snape with greater attention.

Harry’s negative attitude to Occlumency makes it easier for his mind to be manipulated, and as a result, he totally believes Voldemort’s false vision and runs off to the Ministry to try and save Sirius. The whole fiasco in the Department of Mysteries and the tragic death of his godfather could easily have been avoided if Harry had just taken his lessons more seriously.

What’s more, Hermione routinely told Harry to practice Occlumency. If he’d just listened to her and made more of an effort, he would have saved himself from a lot of pain and misery.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.