Harry Potter New TV Show: 25 Castings That Must Happen

If they don't cast Nick Frost as Hagrid, what are they even doing?

Harry Potter TV Show reboot Matt Smith Lucius Malfoy
HBO/Warner Bros. Pictures

Well, it's happening. A Harry Potter TV show is officially coming, and you know what? It's not actually a terrible idea at all.

Yes, the films already did it, but the books were always more suited to a TV adaptation, and even though the films did a largely terrific job, it's likely a TV show would do even better with the right people onboard.

Still, one area where the movie series will be hard to top is the casting. The casting on those films (specifically the adults) was just unreal. Not only did the series round up seemingly every great British actor you can think of, but these actors were always well-suited to their parts.

The TV show has a very hard act to follow in that regard, but the industry has changed a lot since then, and there are plenty of newer actors who would kill it as this iconic characters, just as much as their predecessors did.

The following performers would do a smashing job, and would make for worthy follow-ups to the cast of the original films.

25. All Of The Kids Should Be Newcomers

Harry Potter TV Show reboot Matt Smith Lucius Malfoy
Warner Bros. Pictures

First up, the kids... just find complete newcomers for all of them.

The show needs actors who aren't associated with lots of other roles as they guide viewers into this fantastical world. Besides, playing these characters is going to be a long commitment, and the show needs actors who aren't tied to any other film or TV franchises.

Alternatively, the series could go the same way as Netflix's The Crown and recast the children every two or three seasons, which might open up the casting field a bit and frankly, it could be a lot easier for the actors themselves.

It's known that playing those characters for all those years took a heavy toll on Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson.

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Harry Potter
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.