Harry Potter: Ranking Every Hogwarts Teacher From Worst To Best

9. Gilderoy Lockhart (Defence Against The Dark Arts)

Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Harry’s second Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher isn’t much better than the first. Though he doesn't work with Voldemort, Lockhart is still a dangerous man.

Due to his knack for Memory Charms, Lockhart fakes his way to fame by taking the credit for deeds performed by other witches and wizards. His fake reputation enables him to get a job at Hogwarts. And he makes even more money by filling every student’s book list with his own publications.

Given his lack of talent, his lessons are appalling. After a disastrous class involving a bunch of pixies, he spends the rest of the year forcing Harry and his classmates to perform the stories described in his books.

Worst of all, he even tries to wipe Harry and Ron’s memories down in the Chamber of Secrets when they discover his secret. It’s a cowardly move that immediately backfires and Lockhart suffers severe memory loss. It’s safe to say, however, that no one felt too sorry for him.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.