Harry Potter: Ranking Every Hogwarts Teacher From Worst To Best

10. Quirinus Quirrell (Defence Against The Dark Arts)

Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Harry’s first Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is a bit of a joke. He’s scared of his subject and he’s scared of the students. Rowling doesn’t give much detail about his classes, but we get the impression that Quirrell – like Trelawney – is a useless teacher.

However, he also has a secret. Due to excessive bullying, Quirrell sought to obtain power by joining the Dark Lord. With Voldemort’s help, he attempts to kill Harry on several occasions. Harry, of course, gets the best of him and survives to fight another day.

Whilst Quirrell isn’t the most effective villain, the fact he’s a villain at all is a neat twist. When experiencing The Philosopher’s Stone for the first time, Snape appears to be the guilty one and it’s almost impossible to predict that Quirrell is the real villain.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.