Harry Potter: The Worst Thing Every Order Of The Phoenix Member Did

17. Deadlus Diggle - Indiscretion

Peter Pettigrew Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Deadlus Diggle is one of the lesser-known members of the Order of the Phoenix who doesn't particularly have any substantial role to play in the series outside of, it seems, a Harry Potter fanboy.

Diggle's go-to move seems to be an inability to keep the his own elation to himself. On the night of Voldemort's defeat as a result of the sacrifice of Lily Potter, Diggle is said to be magically setting off fireworks from his wand. He later is seen congratulating a muggle in Vernon Dursley for the end of the Wizarding War and bowing to Harry before he is even aware of his magical lineage.

It boggles the mind how an actual secret society allowed someone like Deadlus into their ranks.


A former Army vet who kept his sanity running D&D games for his Soldiers. I'll have a bit of D&D, pro wrestling, narrative-driven video games, and 80's horror movies, please and thank you.