Hellboy: 20 Easter Eggs And References Explained

16. The Crooked Man

Hellboy Easter Eggs
Dark Horse

While the Crooked Man doesn't personally feature within the Hellboy film itself, his ability to be totally unnerving has been passed off to Baba Yaga, in a way that appears to specifically reference the corrupt creature.

Fans of the comics were potentially surprised at the version of Baba Yaga they were presented with in the movie, namely because her continual nightmarish contorting as she moves is something that is not a feature of her comic equivalent.

This nightmarish element appears to have been taken from the Crooked Man - a reliable source of body horror - and added as a trait of Baba Yaga's, likely to add an extra helping of disgust to the disturbing moments the series is so well known for providing.

With how horrific Baba Yaga managed to make 'crooked' movements appear, it's maybe a small blessing that the Crooked Man himself didn't feature physically within the film.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.