The Hobbit: 10 Ridiculous Details You Probably Missed

7. Elrond€™s Ring

The One Ring obviously plays a big part in both sets of trilogies, but there is another ring that€™s quite important too, and it belongs to Elrond. When the Dwarf party arrives at Rivendell and is later sat down eating, the leader of the elves examines the sword Orcrist, which Thorin had previously found in the troll cave. If you look closely, on one finger is a very important ring. This ring is Vilya, one of the rings of power. The ring was part of a trio of rings given to the Elves at the beginning of the Second Age of Middle-Earth, and is also seen in the prologue of The Fellowship Of The Ring. Vilya is a word in Quenya, a fictional language created by J.R.R. Tolkien, and translates as "air". The ring was originally given by Sauron to Gil-Galad, last King of the Noldor, but passed on to Elrond after Gil-Galad was killed at the Battle of Dagorlad. Gandalf also possesses one of the three rings when The Lord Of The Rings trilogy begins, though he never mentions it.
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The Hobbit
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