The Hobbit: 10 Ridiculous Details You Probably Missed

6. Elrond€™s Brother

This is one that you won€™t notice first time around, and takes a lot of attention to pick up on. When the Dwarves are captured and imprisoned by Thranduil and the elves, Bilbo comes to their rescue by stealing the prison keys from one unfortunate and unwitting elf. If you listen closely you will hear that this elf is addressed as Elros, who is actually a very important character in the grand scheme of things - he is in fact Elrond€™s brother. The siblings had both human and Elvish ancestry on both their mother's and father's side, and as such were perfectly half-Elf and half-Man. While Elrond chose to be an immortal Elf, Elros chose to become a mortal man instead. Why is that significant you might ask? Well, by choosing to become a mortal man, albeit with an extended life span, Elros ended up becoming the progenitor of the Numenorian race. That means he in an ancestor of the future king of Gondor and Lord Of The Rings alumni Aragorn.
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The Hobbit
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Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.