The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug - 10 Cameos We Would Have Preferred Over Legolas

2. Eowyn

Eowyn31 I would have enjoyed having Eowyn back - for all the reasons I stated when I suggested Arwen got a cameo, plus the fact that she played with the big boys and won out. What a great role model for any underdog! Unlike Arwen, Eowyn was real - she was feisty and fought for her beliefs; in spite of her fears, she galloped into battle with Merry, where they were heroic and magnificent, wielding swords with grace and mighty precision. Then, she did what no man could do - killed the Lord of the Nazgul! I love that moment when, after the Nazgul screams: "No man can kill me," she tears off her helmet and declares: "I am no man!" Every film needs heroes who act out of honor, fight for those they love, and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I know she'd be too young/not born yet officially, but I really love this character and would cherish some more time with her.

Raised in Scotland, now living in Los Angeles - galaxies apart! I love traveling, writing, photography, and meeting new people; my curiosity and imagination are boundless. In training for Honolulu Marathon as a reaction to the Boston bombings. To receive notice of my new articles, become a fan at or, check out my website: YVONNEMCLEOD.COM Thank you.... My motto:Go For've nothing to lose but regret!