The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug - 10 Cameos We Would Have Preferred Over Legolas

1. Aragorn

Aragorn_10 One of my favorite friends: I love this character - he is all man with an edge of vulnerability. He was the true hero, with the biggest character arc of anyone, in the Lord of the Rings. He started as a Ranger who rejected his past, his future, his destiny, and his elven soul mate. He wanders Middle Earth as a gypsy without a home or friends. By the end, he has claimed his destiny, overcome his fears, revealed compassion, grace and integrity, inspired loyalty, looked evil in the face, and fought to the end after he believed all hope was lost. Once he committed, he was all in. He emerged victorious, the King of Men, with Arwen - his true love - by his side. In this earlier version of this character, then, primed for The Hobbit, he would still be in the maverick Ranger stage, dashing and daring, a champion swordsman, willing to go to the defense of the weak. And he's one of the few men who genuinely looks good with a beard! Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Raised in Scotland, now living in Los Angeles - galaxies apart! I love traveling, writing, photography, and meeting new people; my curiosity and imagination are boundless. In training for Honolulu Marathon as a reaction to the Boston bombings. To receive notice of my new articles, become a fan at or, check out my website: YVONNEMCLEOD.COM Thank you.... My motto:Go For've nothing to lose but regret!