How A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake Should Be Made

1. Pitch: An Origin Story

Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy's Dead
New Line Cinema

Lastly, and most pertinently, the origin story of Fred Krueger himself would avoid any timeline nasties whilst serving up a piece of A Nightmare On Elm Street lore that fans have been gagging for since the beginning. We know all the details of his troubled upbringing and disturbing conception, but they've never been justly put to screen - watching Fred Krueger in his life as a human before succumbing to the dream world offers a chance for Robert Englund to flashback the hell out of his role whilst simultaneously setting up a new actor to take him over. How easy would it be for him, in film, to step back into his younger form when he inevitably comes back from the dead?

An origin story would allow Englund to show Freddy's past coincide with his present, perhaps ageing from kids not fearing him any more and coming back into a younger form when they remember that - "oh sh*t" - Freddy really is a threat again. Perhaps his legend goes forgotten and one finds an old journal that details his past and invokes the fear of Krueger once more.

It's the most likely option and one that would please the most fans, but all we can do is speculate for now.

What do you think of a new A Nightmare On Elm Street remake? What do you want to see done with the property? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.


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