How Avengers: Endgame Completely Changes The MCU

9. The Heroes From The Decimation Have All Returned

Iron Spider (Infinity War)
Marvel Studios

It was always inevitable, but thanks to a snap of the fingers by a Infinity Gauntlet-powered Hulk, the Decimation which wiped out half the universe in the previous movie was undone. All of the heroes who turned to dust at the end of Infinity War were back in an instant, teleported to the final battle by Doctor Strange.

It's not dwelled upon totally, but everyone who returned from the beyond seemed to be restored to the exact state they were in before the event - with Peter Parker even implying that he couldn't quite remember his own death. It puts those returning in an interesting situation, then; they might be back, but five years have still passed, and they're now going to have to navigate a completely different world.

What's perhaps more interesting is that, while Hulk was able to bring back the people wiped out in the snap, he couldn't bring others back from the dead. As far as we know, the likes of Loki, Gamora and Vision - who were killed before the Decimation - are still dead, as is Black Widow, who sacrificed herself for the Soul Stone.

Consequently, the universe might be saved, but there's still plenty of people who didn't survive long enough to see it.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3