9 Ways Batman V Superman Has Doomed The DC Extended Universe

9. The Immediate Justice League MovieProblem

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

In no delicate terms, Batman V Superman is a disasterthe DC Extended Universe simply doesn'thave the time to deal with. Theirambitious production slate means Suicide Squad is in the edit, Wonder Woman in production, Justice League set to start shooting next month and at the bare minimumThe Flash and Aquaman are in pre-production; that's five movies in various states built on the idea Justice successfully dawned.

Putting the others aside for a moment,the biggest problemthat needs most addressing is Justice League. Zack Snyder is set to direct and it will likely springboard off the Darkseid seeding in Batman V Superman, but the poor reviews and box office drop-off could lead to a rethink. Rumours pre-release suggested Warner would look to keep Superman out of the picture, temporarily shelve the Justice League and move ahead instead with an Affleck-directed Batman, but that would still mean fast-tracking a film now for release in late 2017.

Unfortunately for the studio, adecision has to be made, and it has to be made soon; do DCcontinue on this already-proven rocky road, rush major alteration to Justice League gameplan or start from scratch? Given how the three-years-in-waiting Batman V Superman was an unrefined mess, trying to cobble something together in half the time is hardly an exciting prospect, but neither is more of the same. It's a superheroic Sophie's Choice; Martha's Choice, if you will.

Of course, they could just slow down, making Wonder Woman the only 2017 release and building up through Flash and Aquaman with that, but that brings with it a whole host of other concerns.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.