9 Ways Batman V Superman Has Doomed The DC Extended Universe

8. They're Now Even Further Behind Marvel


"Marvel better watch out" cried tweets from the pre-embargo fan screenings. Yeah, they better watch out because DC is methodically dismantling the superhero genre.

DC may have got their first in comics, establishing the idea of a shared universe back when Marvel wasn't even called Marvel, but The House That Spidey Built has undisputedly beat outthe Distinguinshed Competition in cinemas. When non-starter Green Lantern fizzledand The Dark Knight Rises atom bombed any hopes of that spinning off into a bigger world, theyhad already assembled The Avengers once, andsince then their Disney-owned stock has only continued to climb.

Batman V Superman was DC's opportunity to make up for lost time, establishing the rules of their own multi-stranded franchise bybringing together their three biggest heroes and expanding the world to encompass many, many more. Now there's certainly forward propulsion in Dawn Of Justice (if nothing sub-title worthy), but it and the movie are so bungled DC'seven further behind than they were when they started. And with the MCU only increasing in speed, it's now looking unlikely their rivals will ever be able to even pretend they're catching up.

It's easy to cry "Marvel fanboy" or "DC hater" at these criticisms, but there's sheer numbers backing up choosing sides; Marvel have a string of twelve movies that were all box office successes and even at their worst never dipped into terrible. DC, on the other hand, have delivered two awful experiences. I know which one I'd care more about.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.