How Every Robin Can Appear In The Batman 2

6. Tim Drake

The Batman 2 Robins
DC Comics

Tim Drake is arguably the most popular Robin, being the character most identified with the role for an entire generation. If any Robin other than Dick was going to be brought into The Batman 2 as the singular Robin, Tim tops the list.

Starting off as the ultimate Batman fanboy, Drake is distinctive for being the one Robin who really went out of his way to get the Boy Wonder job by figuring out Batman's secret identity. Rather than being pulled by tragedy into the Caped Crusader's world, Tim inserted himself and the tragedies followed.

Tim Drake comes from a different background than other Robins, having more in common with Bruce as a child of privilege. When we meet him in "A Lonely Place of Dying", his parents are neglectful, leaving him largely unsupervised as they travel and eventually meet a sad fate. This would be a good element to preserve in an adaptation as it provides him the means and motivation to act independently in spite of his young age.

Tim's always been depicted as a child prodigy and a computer wiz kid. Both are traits which, for any scenario with multiple Robins in the sequel, define his likely role as the guy in the chair.

But as the Dark Knight's number one fan and a genius, Drake might just be the brains of the operation. He could even be the one who brings the Robins together and puts them on the trail of the movie's villain... whoever that might be (*cough* Court of Owls *cough*).


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.