How Every Robin Can Appear In The Batman 2

5. Jason Todd

The Batman 2 Robins
DC Comics

Jason Todd, being a street kid with a chip on his shoulder, fits the concept of a Robin gang better than most. His tendencies towards recklessness and thuggery stand out as having a certain amount of dramatic potential.

In a team dynamic, Jason's the rebellious hothead, the Raphael of the group. He's the one who probably thinks he should be in charge and is willing to go a little bit over the line. He's also the character who doesn't make it out alive.

Jason famously dies in the classic '80s story "A Death In The Family," in which readers actually voted for him to kick the bucket. One criticism towards the idea of including Robin in any sequels, is that teenagers fighting crime is an inherently dangerous and reckless notion for the relatively grounded reality established by The Batman. For a Robin to actually die by the end of the movie would hammer home the idea that reckless actions can have consequences in this film setting.

Just as importantly, much the way that Troy's death in "We Are Robin" shook the team's resolve, Jason's death could serve the same function in a film narrative and force the surviving characters to make hard choices.

Of course, the introduction and subsequent killing of Jason in The Batman 2 would pave the way for a quick cinematic introduction of the Red Hood or Arkham Knight if they want to get funky.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.