How Every Robin Can Appear In The Batman 2

4. Dick Grayson

The Batman 2 Robins
DC Comics

Given his status as the original Robin, Dick Grayson is the foregone conclusion in the minds of many fans as the one and only Robin who should appear in The Batman's sequel. And in any by the numbers adaptation of Robin's origin, they would probably be correct.

However, if the film was to opt into the idea of more than one Robin, where exactly would Dick fit? The answer would likely still be very much at the centre of things. If there was going to be a variation of "We Are Robin", Dick would almost certainly be one of the main leaders and likely the character who gets the most screen time.

It would definitely be a bad idea to age Grayson up too much, as nobody wants a repeat of the Schumacher films. Still, in a scenario where he's part of a larger group of Robins, he'd probably be one of the older ones and fall around 16 or 17 years of age.

Your writer expects there wouldn't be much need to change Dick's backstory. In fact, starting him as Bruce's ward would offer up the entertaining possibility of them each leading a double life behind the other's back.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.