How Every Robin Can Appear In The Batman 2

1. Instant Bat Family

The Batman 2 Robins
DC Comics/Tony Daniel

One aspect of Batman lore which rarely makes it to the big screen is the Bat-Family. This is primarily because these kinds of movies tend to take the long approach, generally introducing no more than one or two major characters per outing. The last real attempt at building a Bat-Family came in the final breath of the Burton/Schumacher film franchise, and no real progress has been made to that end since we last saw Batman, Robin and Batgirl running towards the screen in the final shot of the franchise-killing "Batman and Robin" in 1997.

The great thing about a gang is that it has a lot of members. Likewise, a youth movement is going to have a lot of supporters. In short, if Matt Reeves does decide to take inspiration from "We Are Robin", the movie doesn't need to stop at only bringing in the canonical Robins.

Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Helena Bertinelli (Huntress), Cassandra Cain (Orphan) and Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael) are just a few additional characters who could be introduced, but the potential extends to bringing in almost any character who has ever allied with Batman

This idea could also include characters like Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Duke Thomas moving on from being Robins and taking on their new identities as Spoiler, Nightwing, Red Hood and Signal, respectively. The result of which is the organic development of a complete Bat-Family by the end of a single movie.

Batman Quiz: How Well Do You Know The Robins?

Nightwing Red Hood Robin New 52
DC Comics

1. How Many Robins Have There Been In Canon?






Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.