How Marvel Made Avengers: Infinity War The PERFECT Comic Book Movie

1. Endgame

Iron Man Thanos
Marvel Studios

"Tony...there was no other way."

One of the most iconic moments in comic book history is the snap of Thanos' fingers, activating the Infinity Gauntlet, eradicating half of all life in the universe. Prior to the release of Infinity War, fans speculated whether or not the Russos would be so bold as to adapt such a dark moment. After the darkness of the previous two and a half hours, it became clear there would be no happy ending.

Witnessing the deaths of fan-favorite characters was tragic enough, but what makes the moment so powerful is the focus on the other characters seeing their loved ones fade from existence. The dread in Okoye's eyes as T'Challa disintegrates, Raccoon's feeble cries for Groot, and Tony's attempts to tell Peter he'll be okay, all of these moments hit hard.

It is almost inevitable that most of the deaths will be undone in Part Two. It doesn't matter. The sacrifices and trauma endured in Infinity War will not be forgotten. By focusing on the emotional impact of loss rather than the event of loss itself, the Russos ensure that it counts.

Avengers: Infinity War is the perfect comic book movie. Though dark, the film never feels loses its sense of fun. Cross-cutting between characters like comic panels, Infinity War gives its heroes many moments to shine. With an unforgettable villain and a gut-punch ending, no comic book film has ever left the viewer more clamoring for their heroes to save the day. We'll just have to wait.


A man of many facets, Ted Silva is a writer for WhatCulture, a student studying Theatre Arts and English, and has been on a seafood kick lately. Ted will lose 9/10 games of Rock, Paper, Scissors but will keep trying anyway. Follow him @tedwerrrrd for some tweets that he thinks are really funny. Give them a like; it'll make him happy for no cost.