How Matt Reeves' Batman Movie Should Be Made

2. Recast Ben Affleck

Jon Hamm Baby Driver

When Ben Affleck was first cast as Batman it was as if the entire world lost their minds. Some decried it as an offence against The Dark Knight, whereas others exercised caution and were willing to wait to see what happened. While Affleck's performance turned out to be one of the best things about Batman v Superman - and even Justice League, to an extent - it's fair to say that it's fallen below expectation, owing to the very un-Batman like things Snyder's films have called for in their stories.

And while yes, it's probably true that Affleck deserves another shot under the cowl, this time with a competent script to work with, at this stage, his performance just carries too much baggage.

Countless other actors have been optioned for the part should Affleck leave, such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Armie Hammer and Luke Evans, but it's Jon Hamm who'd best embody the ferocity and emotional intensity of Bruce Wayne.

Known primarily for his role as Don Draper in TV's Mad Men, Hamm has shown time and again that he has a diverse acting set. His performance in Baby Driver, for instance, proved to be an unexpected highlight, with the actor being able to balance moments of calm with intense pangs of rage and distress. That's Batman in a nutshell right there, and with a glowing resume to boast when it comes to both TV and film, there are few replacements out there more suited to the role than he.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.