How Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Became The Best Superhero Film Since The Dark Knight

6. The Hero Doesn't Get The Girl

Spider Man Into The Spider Verse

While this is a slightly small bonus it is still an important one nonetheless. In too many films, not just in the superhero genre, the protagonist has an arbitrary love interest that he has to get at the end of the film. Luckily enough, Into the Spider-Verse addresses this trope and plays with it. Not only do they have this love interest be perhaps even more capable and badass than the hero himself, in the end, but he also doesn't get the girl.

As Gwen has to return to her own dimension, it was always unlikely that they would be together. Regardless, Gwen makes an active point of refusing to be this arbitrary character, noting to Miles that she is older than him. It was a small moment that could be considered unimportant to most but with so much of the movie being a refreshing take on the superhero genre, this subtle move felt all the more welcome and significant.

The movie didn't altogether rule out a future relationship, however. There was obvious chemistry between Gwen and Miles and while they didn't decide to go for a relationship now, their farewell hinted at more to come. If they do decide to go for it in the future, their relationship will feel far more earned than if they simply declared their love for each other already.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.