How The Flash Will Solve DC's Batman Problem

A Multiverse Of Epic Proportions

The Flash Grant Gustin Ezra Miller Crisis On Infinite Earths
The CW

If you're a passionate DC fan, you'll know all about the multiverse. Heck, if you watch the Arrowverse shows, you'll know what it is too. The problem is that many members of the mainstream audience won't and thus won't understand why there are so many Batmen on the big screen.

However, Andy Muschietti has confirmed that The Flash will be, at least to some extent, adapting the Flashpoint storyline from the comics. By extension, it will also be dabbling in the idea of the multiverse and alternate realities created from one decision or another.

Now, you might not realise this but the breadcrumbs for that were already laid in the Arrowverse's Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover when Ezra Miller's DCEU Flash came face-to-face with Grant Gustin's from The CW's TV series in a fun little moment in which the latter essentially gave the big-screen version the idea for his codename.

The multiverse has been a staple of the Arrowverse for years, but it hadn't yet been established in the DCEU. By crossing the two properties over, this confirmed that there are alternate universes outside of the main DCEU continuity, and now that those two universes are linked, that's only the icing on the cake for where The Flash movie could end up taking us.

As for how the multiverse of The Flash will solve the Batman problem...



Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.