How to Be a Movie Snob in 5 Easy Steps
Step 4. Always Assume You are Smarter Than Everyone Else

Always assume that they havent seen as many films as you have, that they havent read as much as you have, that they werent paying attention as closely as you were. Always be sure in the belief that what you thought is inherently superior, and therefore everyone else is just PRETENDING like they are independent thinkers, and that sooner or later they will call the game off and tell you just how right you were the whole time.
Always be sure in the belief that what is important to you is important to everyone else. And if it doesnt seem that way, it only means that your fellow filmgoers simply havent caught up to the hyper-speed rates at which you process information. Dont fret. Let them prattle on about this and that. Dont even bother paying attention to what anyone else is saying. Just wait until a lull, and then forcefully bring things back to what YOU think. That is, after all, the most important thing.