1. Dont Be Squeamish About Killing Children, Mums And Other Loved Ones
Its very likely that youre going to have to do a little bit of light murdering if youre going to come out of this zombie apocalypse alive. As fun as butchering anonymous shambling zombies might be, and as inured to the ethical implications of hacking people about with reckless abandon as you might become, there will be at least one occasion on which your axe seems to freeze in mid-air as you lock eyes on your next victim. It might be an innocent zombie-child, gormlessly chewing on its parents arm. It might be your step-dad, with whom your slightly strained relationship in life masked a sense of wistful longing for a deeper and more honest relationship. It might be your own mother, who youre still secretly hoping will turn it around and get back to her old jam-making, begonia-pruning self. Youre going to have to get over it, basically. Eviscerate the child, decapitate your stepdad, blow your mums head off. The worlds ending. Youve got a lot on your plate without faffing around and crying about your precious feelings.