The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - 5 Unfortunate Examples Of (Accidental) Nazi Symbolism

5. The Districts Resemble Concentration Camps

Hungergamesdistrict The 12 Districts in Panem, fictitious world of the Hunger Games franchise, aren't particularly nice places to live. Marshalled by omniscient armed guards who dole out beatings to further suppress the masses on an increasingly frequent basis, those who reside in each District are kept there at the mercy of the Capitol and its sinister rulers. Living conditions are brutal, people are shown to be starving, while barbed-wire fences line the outer perimeters, prohibiting escape and keeping denizens locked in - a lot like a concentration camp, you might suggest. Concentrationcamp The above image depicts Auschwitz, one of the most infamous concentration camps in history. With its barracks and barbed-wire fencing, it's difficult not to draw comparisons from each of the two pictures, and their resemblance to each other is eerily uncanny, even if it might be accidental.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.