Infinity Saga: 10 Unresolved Plot Points From MCU's Phases 1-3

7. What Role Did Ronan The Accuser Play In The Kree/Skrull War?

MODOK Sonny Burch
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy revealed that Ronan the Accuser decided to align himself with Thanos after the death of his father during a war between Hala and Xandar. The fact the two planets later agreed to a peace treaty saw him go rogue, and he would later fall in battle during the dance off to save the galaxy.

During the events of Captain Marvel (which was set during the 1990s), we saw Ronan still serving the Kree and in the midst of a battle with the Skrulls. He made an enemy out of Carol Danvers when she sent him packing from Earth, but what happened in the years that followed? We don't know, because Marvel Studios has completely overlooked that period in the MCU's history!

Avengers: Infinity War brought Captain Marvel back to Earth in the present day, while Spider-Man: Far From Home confirmed that Talos survived whatever came next, so is there any point setting the hero's next adventure in the past?

Whatever the answer to that may be, there's a big gap in Ronan's story, and if it's not going to be addressed in Captain Marvel 2, why bother bringing him back in the first place?


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.