Infinity Saga Deleted Scenes: 10 Leaked New Screenshots You Need To See

8. Captain Marvel Joins Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

OG Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Joss Whedon wanted Captain Marvel to make her MCU debut in 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron and while Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige was initially on board with the idea, he's since revealed in interviews that he never wanted to introduce Carol Danvers in such a throwaway manner (this would have been a surprise cameo with no context for who she was or any sort of reference to the hero's origin story).

In this version of the scene, Scarlet Witch and Vision made a joint entrance rather than individual ones. That means this stand-in would have been the final reveal of this sequence as Captain Marvel made her first appearance as a member of the New Avengers.

The plan was to ultimately replace this unknown actress with a bigger name during post-production but looking at her appearance - she does bear a striking resemblance to the character! - it seems Whedon's Captain Marvel would have potentially been a little more comic accurate than the one played by Brie Larson.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.