Infinity Saga Deleted Scenes: 10 Leaked New Screenshots You Need To See

7. The Original Ant-Man And Wasp On A Mission - Ant-Man And The Wasp

OG Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

There's a deleted scene from Ant-Man in the Infinity Saga box set showing Hank Pym on a mission in Panama, but Ant-Man and The Wasp was once going to put even more of the spotlight on both Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne when they were in their prime.

The heroes would have been shown on a mission to Buenos Aires in 1987 as they spy on Elias Starr and later chase him back to the warehouse holding his Quantum Tunnel. Suiting up, the original Ant-Man and Wasp would have raced to stop the villain only for his henchman's stray bullets to cause the explosion that killed Ghost's parents.

In a way, they would have been responsible for Ava's tragic fate, thereby giving the sequel a more powerful emotional punch and strengthening Ghost's hatred of them both. Sadly it wasn't meant to be, but how awesome do they look standing side by side in those costumes?


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.