Inside Out Review: 8 Reasons It's Pixar's Best Film Since Up

2. The Finale Isn€™t Action Based

If there's one thing you can bet on in a summer blockbuster (regardless of whether it's made by Marvel or not), it's that it'll feature a big, action-based finale. This has even been a hard-fast rule for Pixar. Sure, you expect it of something like The Incredibles or Brave, but even the likes of Finding Nemo and Up aligned their stories so there could be some physical conflict in the final third. It's not a bad thing (again, Up did it), but it's a trope all the same. Excitingly, Inside Out is the first film to properly buck the trend - there's moments in the finale that certainly are typical adrenaline pumping fare, but the resolution of the plot itself is entirely character based. This is certain to get the film a lot of love from the adult audience, but, because it's still visually resplendant, the lack of whizz-bang spectacle won't cause children to shift in their seats. It's this that really makes the film pack such a emotional punch. Whereas Up used its big emotional twist as a motivation for the assault on the airship, here start-of-the-third-act discovery is only the in to something much more emotionally complex. It's a good thing the score's still rousing, because otherwise all you'd be able to hear would be sniffles.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.