After much doubt this past week over whether audiences would actually get to see The Interview on Christmas Day, Sony relented on their original withdrawal of the film's release, with select cinemas screening the Seth Rogen and James Franco-starring comedy, while it also rolled out on VOD platforms for home viewing in ground-breaking fashion. With so much controversy surrounding the project, it would have been easy for the film to ultimately feel tame or weak by comparison, and while it's hardly a satire for the ages, it does still deliver enough outrageousness to surely entertain fans of its two stars. From unexpected celebrity cameos to some hilarious sending-up of the Kim Jong-un myth, plenty of shocking violence, gratuitous nudity and so on, The Interview does, for better and worse, satisfy most expectations of what viewers were probably anticipating the film to deliver. Sure, it's not perfect, but it lives up to the infamous reputation it had already earned prior to release, and is pretty much destined to go down in history as a cult film. Of course, with such convenient home viewing facilities available (for the bargain price of $5.99, no less), it's worth checking out the movie before proceeding any further, but if you've already seen the movie or just have a morbid curiosity about how far Rogen and Franco took it, then check out these 18 insane moments from the most controversial movie of the year.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.