Iron Man 3: 5 Things It Got Right & 5 Things It Got Wrong

4. Humour

iron man 3 suit Despite the general darker tone of this movie (thanks largely to Tony's emotional instability following the events of the Avengers movie), the humour is still as good - if not better - than ever before. Tony's wit and sense of humour is still evident even during his panic attacks, while his banter with Harley is fantastic and hilarious, and the moment in which he tried to deceive Pepper in to thinking he was wearing his armour 'around the house' is a gem. The funniest moment for me, however, came when Tony fought his way in to the Mandarin's mansion, only to be caught before escaping by calling his armour. Tony fought off a tide of henchman whilst wearing only one leg piece and one arm piece of his armour, before the rest of it had arrived. With only one henchman remaining, the poor schmuck declared "Dude, I don't even like working here! These guys are weird!" before being allowed to leave unharmed. Brilliant.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.