Isle Of Dogs Review: 7 Ups & 2 Downs
Another winner from the King of Quirk.

Wes Anderson's new animated film Isle of Dogs is in cinemas worldwide now, and continuing the director's impressive streak of high-quality releases, critics have been falling over themselves to praise it as one of Anderson's best features to date.
Simple, Isle of Dogs is a (mostly) wonderful film. Imperfect as all films are, yes, and if you're averse to Anderson's typical style it won't do much for you, but for fans of the director's idiosyncratic tone and uniquely artful approach to narrative, it'll go down a real treat.
At once delivering a style and mood his fans will expect but bringing plenty of new flourishes to the table, it is ferociously, brilliantly original from first minute to last.
With the blockbuster surge preparing to ramp up in the coming weeks as Avengers: Infinity War approaches (not to mention everything else), what better movie to cleanse the palette than the latest charmer from one of the most unique artists working in Hollywood today?...