It Chapter 1 & 2: Every Monster Explained & Ranked

14. Charred Hands

It Charred Hands
Warner Bros.

While there really isn't enough work goes into Mike in Chapter Two, his backstory is by far the most traumatic of the Loser's Club, even with Bev's abuse in consideration. It's revealed in the second film that as a toddler he watched his parents burn alive, which slightly changes the story from him being in the room next to them when they were killed.

Mike feels some blame for what happened, because of his proximity to them burning alive behind the broken door in the house on Harris Avenue and his fear manifests as the sight of his parents' charred hands desperately scrabbling at the doorway as flames lick around them. It's a more subtle vision, but the impact can't be underplayed.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.