It Chapter 1 & 2: Every Monster Explained & Ranked

13. The Half Girl

It Scary Doors
Warner Bros.

Remember the Not Scary At All and Scary doors in the second movie that Pennywise uses to try and trick Richie and Eddie into making the worst possible choice? Their first choice is to assume It is trying a bit of reverse psychology, so they choose the worst option only to be met with a dark corridor and the sound of something approaching.

The build up is almost scary enough and if they'd closed the door at that point, it probably wouldn't have lost anything, but Andy Muschietti went full throttle instead, making the sound belong to what appears to be a child cut perfectly in half stumbling towards them. It's just the bottom half (hence the walking) and it's pretty horrifying. Great effects work too.

Who's legs are they? Well, we probably do know that. In the first movie, when the boys encounter the same doors, they open "Not Scary At All," and find one of the missing girls, Betty Ripsom, hanging by her hands and cut in half, prompting Richie to shout "Where the f— are her legs?"

Here they are Richie.


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