It Chapter 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

10. Ben Hanscom - Jay Ryan/Jeremy Ray Taylor

It Chapter 2 Ben
Warner Bros.

Ben is the first real disappointment of It Chapter 2 because he ends up being so inconsequential even as you get the sense that he should have been so much more. He has arguably the most interesting arc between the movies because he changed so much, but aside for an encounter with Pennywise that explores SOME of his mentality and why he changed after he was "rejected" by Beverly, we just don't get to see it.

Instead, Ben is rather unfortunately turned into eye candy, which Jay Ryan is very good at selling, because that's what he was cast for. Instead of being a genius who knew Derry's lore inside out as he was in the first film, his arc is defined more by his jealousy over Bev and Bill, which never develops into a proper point of friction.

In the end, he gets to where you want him to, but once you look back, it's a little hard to remember how or why he even really deserved it.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.