It Chapter 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

9. Alvin Marsh - Stephen Bogaert

It Alvin Marsh
Warner Bros.

While he's only in the film for a fairly short amount of time, Bev's abusive father Alvin (played by Stephen Bogaert) is a great part of It's armoury against her and a lot of that comes down to Bogaert's excellent performance. He's a broken man, twisted by trauma who takes it out on his daughter unforgivably and there's so much authenticity in how that plays out that his scenes are being retrospectively fitted with a trigger warning by some audience members.

Whether you agree with the necessity of that remains to be seen, since this is a horror movie, but it says something about how well it works.A

Alvin gets a chance to blossom into full-blown King monster by the end too and him borrowing Jack Nicholson's infamous The Shining line is an absolute high-point for the finale. You just get the feeling that he should probably have been in it more to explore Bev's arc better, given that it begins with her abusive husband and it looks like that's the way we're headed more overtly.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.