It Chapter 2 Trailer Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

1. It's Really, Really Bloody Creepy
It Chapter 2 Old Lady
Warner Bros.

When it boils right down to the bones, horror fans want one thing from their horror films: they want to be creeped out. They want to be terrified. They want to not forget the scariest moments, no matter how awful they are to watch at the time. We never feel quite as alive as when our pulses are racing towards a catastrophic cardiac event, because the closer you are to death, the sweeter life tastes. My Chemical Romance has a lot to answer for.

Anyway, this trailer lathers it on perfectly, absolutely nailing the atmosphere and the creepiness and then offering a machine-gun-edit of some of the film's stand-out moments that promise even more of the same. We get to see Pennywise's sinister, naked daughter, we get to see an actual blood bath and the return of Georgie...And then it all comes to that delicious, unnerving crescendo when Pennywise rubs his hands and says hello.

But because the images and the build have worked so effectively, those simple actions and Skarsgard's wonderfully strange physical performance combine to bring the house down. It's great, guys, and the film looks to be too.

What did you think of the trailer? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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