It Chapter 2 Trailer Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. The Balance Of Old And New

It Chapter 2 Kiss
Warner Bros.

While this is very much the second part of a story that started in a completely separate time period, Warner Bros and the film-making team have rather cleverly realised that casting aside the original cast and storylines would have been a mistake. We were told very early on that the young stars who owned that movie so much would return and by the look of it, there's a very healthy slice of time spent back when they were young.

It makes sense when you think about it: Pennywise is very much tied to those young life experiences and to the ghosts that still hang around their adult counterparts. Vanquishing It wasn't the end of their trauma and no medicine for the wounds they carried from the rest of their lives, so it's great that we're going back in time.

Plus, those performances deserve more screen-time and anything that helps that has got to be a win.



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