James Badge Dale Confirmed For Iron Man 3
He will play Eric Savin - aka, Coldblood - a villain first featured in Marvel Comics Presents volume 1 #26 in August 1989.

"While still a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army at Camp Killian, Eric Savin was put in charge of Project: Ultra-Tech. There he met the love of his life, Lieutenant Gina Dyson. While on patrol, Savin stepped onto a freshly planted mine which blew him into pieces. He was dead for 2.3 minutes. Gina immediately performed cybernetic surgery on him. The surgery was successful Savin was alive, but resurrected as a cyborg by Mako's Project: Ultra-Tech."This announcement comes a week after it was announced that Rebecca Hall will be joining "Iron Man 3" as the female lead, replacing Jessica Chastain in the role of Maya Hansen - a scientist who works alongside Guy Pearce's villain, Dr. Aldrich Killian who creates the virus Extremis. Iron Man 3, starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley, Rebecca Hall, Don Cheadle and co-written and directed by Shane Black - whose last feature film direction was the truly understated 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang', also starring Robert Downey Jr., is scheduled for a 3rd May 2013 release in the UK.