James Bond: 10 Awesome Gadgets That Would Never Work In Real Life

10. Exploding Bolas

heat bond The exploding bolas were a device Q conceived in Moonraker. Composed of two large spheres, attached to a long strand of rope, bolas are initially intended to wrap around a target and restrict them when thrown, like a lasso. However, Q's particular brand is set to explode whenever the ends of the bola clink together, hopefully killing, or at least maiming the target. This at first seems like a fantastic idea, and exploding bolas are certainly one of the more colourful pieces of weaponry to arise from the bond universe. Although that being said, it doesn't seem the most reliable of devices when giving some thought to it, and there are certainly better weaponry options. If they explode simply when the spheres of the bola touch, then how do you store the contraption without fears of detonation? Seems a lot more risky than a simple grenade, or some other traditional way of blowing someone to smithereens. On that same train of logic, if you somehow miss, or your aim was slightly off, not only have you failed to kill your opponent, you've just given them an explosive. Flashy weapons, and explosives are all fine, but sometimes the bond gadgets are just needless when applying their function to reality.
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James Bond
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.