James Bond: 10 Greatest Animal Moments In 007 Films

10. Max the Parrot Shows the Way in For Your Eyes Only

Max the Parrot One of Roger Moore's best, For Your Eyes Only, dropped the usual camp routine to favor a tone that was more realistic in nature. That's not to say the film does not have fun though. The villain, Kristatos, ties James Bond to the back of a yacht and drags him over razor sharp coral reef, each cut leaving the water more murky with blood. Hungry sharks begin to gather, but Bond gets away by wrapping the rope he's tied with to a coral rock. Afterward Kristatos gets away leaving Bond and Bond girl Melina Havelock, played by Carole Bouquet, without a clue as to where he has gone. Enter Max, the real macaw. The parrot Melina's father kept around has a knack for saying, "Give us a kiss," and, "Hello," but will also repeat what he hears. The friendly bird puts Bond back on track with Kristatos by giving the bad guy's location away, "ATAC, to St Cyrils."
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