James Bond: 5 Reasons Blofeld Could (And Should) Become A Woman

1. He Had A Daughter

Following on from the last point, the writers could just kill Ernst off for good. It's straightforward and Blofeld can still make a return to the big screen, in the form of Little Miss Blofeld, that is. After all, is it about the character, or the name? John Gardner's 1982 Bond novel For Special Services features a Mrs Nena Bismaquer, who later turns out to be the daughter of one Ernst Stavro Blofeld. That revelation could underpin the new narrative direction for the so-called return of Blofeld. There's very little that would easier to imagine than an evil daughter continuing her evil father's work while plotting to avenge his death. It would also lead to a hugely intriguing narrative strand - familial vengeance is a typically successful direction, though some might see it as too close to the final third of The Dark Knight Rises. Do you think it's at all feasible that Blofeld could become a woman? Will he or should he make a return at all? Comment below to contribute to the discussion.

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Born in Tyneside and raised in principle, fearing there should ever be anything less in life than film and football.