James Bond: Every Sean Connery Movie Ranked Worst To Best

2. From Russia With Love

Goldfinger Sean Connery Header
United Artists

From Russia with Love is an extremely minimalistic Bond film which takes place mainly on a train and thrives in this unusual claustrophobic setting with a brilliantly choreographed fight in one of the carriages. More of a psychological thriller with some great dialogue than its action heavy and quip laden sequels, it is no surprise that Connery named this his favourite outing as 007.

The chemistry between Bond and Tatiana Romanova is given more depth than just the standard Bond girl as we are unsure even in the last few minutes of the film if she is in love with Bond or working for SPECTRE. The exchanges that arise from them attempting to pose as newly weds provides much of the comedy in a film which boasts the best script of any Bond films in the Connery era and to date.

The only part of Connery's second outing that feels out of place is SPECTRE's ultimate plan which revolves around blackmailing Bond and Romanova whom they filmed together on their honeymoon night. Having the finale of the film essentially be the baddies threatening to leak Bond's sex tape is easily one of the most perverse and surreal finales that the series has seen.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).