James Bond: Every Sean Connery Movie Ranked Worst To Best

1. Goldfinger

Goldfinger Sean Connery Header

The Bond film which every subsequent movie has measured itself against, Goldfinger is so iconic it has written the rule book on how to construct a good Bond film. Powerful opening ballad sung by a national treasure? Tick. Flamboyant European villain who spouts his bad guy plan to Bond? Tick. A ridiculously named Bond girl? Double tick with Pussy Galore.

Breaking down the plot of the film you realise how ridiculous it is as Goldfinger hatches an elaborate plan to plant a dirty bomb inside Fort Knox thus ruining the gold and increasing the value of his own. Of course all Bond films rely on stupid plot logic and attempt to woo audiences instead with extravagant set pieces and witty dialogue which Goldfinger more than makes up for in this case.

With some of the best lines in the franchise such as Bond and Goldfinger's exchanges – “you expect me to talk?” “No, Mr Bond. I expect you to die” – it is no surprise that this film has outlived all its predecessors and successors. From Shirley Bassey’s opening cry of ‘Goldfinger’ to the final climactic aeroplane fight, Goldfinger is truly a classic that will outlive us all.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).